An action-based workshop to help communities cope with climate change. Registration closes on Friday, June 14
While national and provincial government dither about how to curb carbon emissions, greenhouse gases continue their relentless build-up in the atmosphere. Even if governments take effective action immediately, communities will have to mitigate impacts of climate change we’re too late to head off.
But what actions are needed, and where?
The Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association (CBRA) has joined forces with the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) to plan guidelines communities can use to help them cope with the specific adaptation measures needed in their locales.
A working conference in Cape Breton June 19-21 aims to draw up guidelines on how to adapt to climate change in Canadian Biospheres like the Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere Reserve. CEPI’s Two Eyed Seeing Approach will help us craft these guidelines.
There are two ways to participate in this three-day event: (To view program, download here.) CCA Forum Program details
The Public can attend the morning sessions to hear experts from various backgrounds lay out the steps necessary to adapt to the changes occurring in our country, and the tools available to help us.
Registered Delegates will take part in working sessions each afternoon to develop a blueprint communities can use to plan their responses to the onrushing demands of climate change. You don’t have to be an expert to take part in these sessions, but you do have to register (see below).
We can lead our communities in the struggles to adapt to climate change. Adaptation strategies will vary depending on the impacts expected in each area. Coastal locales like Cape Breton will need to cope with rising sea levels and more frequent severe storms. Other areas will face searing wildfires, flooding rivers, and the spread of insect pests to forests that have no natural resistance to them.
Join your fellow citizens as we plan action to cope with this challenge to our environment.
Click here to register by credit card ($215).
To register by cheque ($200) click Cheque Climate Change Adaptation Forum Registration
Registration closes on June 14th.