Species of the Bras d’Or Collection
57 information sheets were created by one of our Partners, ACAP Cape Breton, and offer a brief introduction to members of numerous species that inhabit our biosphere.
We will be adding more examples every Monday and Friday until the end of November. Why not collect all 57 in your own reference binder?
You can discover where you will find these examples and thousands of other observations of species found in our own backyard by visiting the iNaturalist.ca website. You can also learn how to contribute your own discoveries and observations to that valuable dataset as well!

White Birch #48

Rainbow Trout #47

Mallard #46

Black Spruce #45

Snowshoe Hare #44

Western Moose #43

Purple Loosestrife #42

Double Crested Cormorant #41

Rock Crab #40

Northern Harrier #39

Water Hemlock #38

White-Tailed Deer #37

Bald Eagle #36

Angelica #35

Small Cabbage White #34

Herring Gull #33

Common Bluet #32

Green Crab #31

American Stoat #30

Wintergreen #29

American Wigeon #28

Monarch #27

American Oyster #26

Japanese Knotweed #25

Balsam Fir #24

Raccoon #23

Barred Owl #22

Pink Lady Slippers #21

Red Fox #20

Eastern American Toad #19

Sugar Maple #18

Red-Tailed Hawk #17

American Mink #16

Shrew #15

Great Blue Heron #14

Giant Hogweed #13

American Eel #12

Eastern Coyote #11

Lupine #10

American Robin #9

Piping Plover #8

Deer Mouse #7

Mullein Plant #6

Northern Amber Bumble Bee #5

Otter #4

Osprey #3

Bunchberry Plant #2

American Lobster #1