Film Screening: Climate Change and the Human Prospect

This film will be shown on Thursday, 08 November at 6:30, at the McConnell Library (50 Falmouth St., Sydney, NS). We know there are no more chances. It is not going away, and today is the time to get it right in dealing with the climate crisis. Our world will live with it for the rest of our history, just as we have lived with the twentieth century legacy of nuclear war. Our shared duty now, as one people, is to protect and repair our Earth, even as we prepare ourselves for its future unknown.
The film Climate Change and the Human Prospect documents the vision created at the Climate Change and the Human prospect: A Thinkers Retreat held at the Thinkers Lodge in Pugwash, Nova Scotia.
The documentary film by Centre for Local Prosperity Climate Change and the Human Prospect, produced and directed by Andrea Vandenboer, captures the thoughts, emotions, and ideas of these Thinkers, who are armed with the conviction that local action is not only possible but the best path forward.
This film freeze-frames the moment these Thinkers take first steps towards an ongoing and positive movement, generating new ideas and innovations to help our communities survive and thrive in the midst of the looming environmental threat of climate change.