Amazing Places Project
The project goal is to identify and promote significant natural sites in the Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere Region for residents and visitors to explore in order to encourage better knowledge of ecological features and inspire a commitment to conservation.
In 2012 several Canadian biosphere regions worked together to discuss the role of biosphere resgions in tourism. They adopted a common definition of sustainable tourism to help guide their work:
“Sustainable Tourism actively fosters appreciation and stewardship of the natural, cultural, and historic resources and special places by residents, the tourism industry, governments, and visitors. It is tourism which is viable over the long term because it results in a net benefit for the social, economic, natural and cultural environments of the area in which it takes place” (Tourism Industry Association of Canada & Parks Canada, 2005).
The Bras d’Or Biosphere is so much more than the lake, although, the lake itself is pretty amazing! Our Amazing Places project’s goal is to showcase and encourage exploration of our area’s natural beauty, culture, history, and so much more. Residents, businesses, and tourists work, live, and play in the Bras d’Or Biosphere Region.
Along with a brochure, the Amazing Places project team will be creating a webpage within the Bras d’Or Biosphere’s website to showcase our amazing places.
Please tell us about your Amazing Place suggestion by completing the form below.